Monday 21 November 2011

Jelly Baby Story Board

This is the scene setter with 3 of the family at school. The older sister is a slut so is the purple jelly baby at the back with one of her many boyfriends next to her. The parents try to stop her but she tries to be a rebel. The two green jelly babies are representing twins that are rebels and take things that little bit further than most other children. Here they are beating up another kid.

This is when the twins get way too out of hand and start a fire in the school and it gets out of control and burns the whole school down. For this they get into a lot of trouble. Their parents know that is them but no one else does.

The dad is not much better than the rest of the family. He is a post man and has the tendency to check some of the letters for money and steal for what he calls "tips that he deserves".

The mum (yellow jelly baby) tries hard to keep the family together and works hard at her low income job as a cashier. But she has not got enough time or money to take her baby to playgroup.

 This is when the news of the children misbehaving all adds up and is ironically too much for the post stealing father to deal with. He storms out of the house with the hard working mother in tow trying to get him to give them a second chance.

After storming out and leaving his family, the father then gets very annoyed and angry when the sluttish daughter comes back very late and not caring. This is because no one has cared in that house ever before so why should she now, is what she thinks as she ignores her father shouting and banging at her bedroom door.

One of the twins has had enough and decides to try take his life by throwing himself off a bridge but gets saved by his twin brother.

The whole ordeal brings this family close together and makes them realise that they actually couldn’t work without each other.

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