Tuesday 13 March 2012

The audience for my media product

The audience for my media product

Before we made the Oppening of our movie, we said that our target audience would be for both boys and girls interest. perhaps more boys as their is scenes of violence and slutty girls, Aimed between the ages of 16- 28 year old's. And i would still say that we are aiming for the same audience.
Our audience would listen to music such as mainstreeme, singers such as Rhianna, David Guetta, Jamie T.

Our Target audience would watch Tv shows such as Two and a Half Men, Friends, Fresh Meet, Inbetweeners, Gossip Girl, Desperate House wifes, Couger Town, 90210, Modern Family, Skins and Misfits, Including channels such as MTV and E4. The movies which our audience would go and see would be Comedy dramas such as Hot Fuzz, Bad teacher, Couples retreat, How to lose a guy in 10 days, Bad boys, Mean girls, Men in black

Directors Commentary

Our directors commentary.

Our film representing particular social groups

Evaluation 2

The film St.Trinians is in the same genre as my film- a drama/comedy. They both relate to each other through mis-en-scene. Our character who plays the "slutty daughter", has a very similar costume to the St.Trinians girls in the movie, particularly their head girl, Kelly Jones.
Both costumes represent a rebellious and slutty school girl stereotype, with the fish net tights, high waisted skirt, shirt and heels.
The films have used the same high key/normal lighting to show the comical side to things, and the set design is also similar as they are set in schools.

1) We chose the title for our film because it is about a family and part of are target audience are families
2) We chose this setting because we need a built up area and a post box. It is also deserted to give an eary feeling.
3) We chose this costume because we need her to look slutty.
4) This is an example of one of our camera shots it is a AEV to give a close up of the envelope sticking to the shoe. 
5) We but are titles in the film instead of putting them in during editing
6) Are story for are opening titles was following a envelop on its journey and at different stages of its journey it has different credits on.
7) Are genre was comedy drama. This is my example of drama.
8) We chose are characters by working out what sort of family we had then tried to get as close to the stereotypical versions of them for example the canteen worker;she was hard but we tired by some quite chavy clothes.
9) Are special effects consisted of black and white fading and jump shots.

Friday 2 March 2012

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Key elements

The Key elements that we will need to include in our opening titles to represent the expectations are.

Genre - drama and comedy, a dramatic opening with elements of comedy.

Audience - we are aiming for both boys and girls interest. Most likely more boys than girls becuase there are scenes of violence and slutty girls, aimed between the ages of 16- 28 year old's.

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Props and costume


  • postman outfit
  • post man bag
  • lettters and envalopes
  • money
  • Baby
  • work costume

  • slutty school outfit

  • same clothes
  • a table

Risk assesment

Our risk assesment for when we are filming 

Anamatic of our story board

We took photos of our storyboard, and added the music that we are using for our opening to it.

Shot list and locations

We will make sure that we dont break the 180 degree rule.
The locations of this will be filmed outside G-house where the letter box is.

  •  Estiblishing, Long shot of the street of dad walking to post box
  • Tracking shot of the man walking towards the post box
  • Close-up of dad getting mail out of bag
  • Close-up of dad looking through mail searching for money
  • Mid-shot of his name tag
  • Extreme close up of the name tag
  • POV pan shot of the street 
  • POV of dad looking at letter
  • Focus pull on the letter showing first name
  • Mid-shot of him taking the money out
  • Zoomed out into long shot

The next location will be filmed outside and inside the refectory. 
  • Long shot of envolope blowing in to the refectory
  • Long shot of mum behind counter
  • Close up of the glass/second name on the glass
  • Arc shot around to the other side of the counter to show mum hiding baby
  • Close up of letter sticking to shoe
  • Hand held POV of him walking toward slutty girl, with match on action shot of him walking towards the girl
  • Mid shot of their bodies (no faces) meeting
  • Cloe up of Whilst making out the envolope gets stuck to her foot inside
  • Ants eye veiw of her taking the envolope off her foot
  • Close up of her looking at the envolope
  • Focus pull of the third name reveeled on the envolope
  • Long shot of throwing envolope away
  • Establishing shot of the table the envolope lands on, with the twins sat there
  • Mid-shot of the twins looking at each other then at the envolope
  • Close up zoom of the twins looking at envolope
  • Extreme close up of the forth name on envolope
  • Close up sticking on persons back
  • Tracking of envolope zooms in on name of movie

Music for film titles

We have decided to use ine soundtrack throughout the whole opening. We have chosen this particular music to add in it is upbeat so therefore links in with out genre of Comedy/Drama, and it will add more atmosphere and energy to the opening, instead of just having the diegetic sounds. This is draw the audiences attention and keep them entertained. We found the music on the internet on a website called mp3unsigned.com

Monday 23 January 2012

Narative theories

This is an example of Todorovs theory as we have the typical narrative structure. We have out climaxes and problems but by the end everything has been resolved.We also use elements of Propps theory during the fire scene. The sister is the damsel in distress because she is trapped by the fire, twins are the villains because they are the ones who start fire, the hero's are the firemen, who put out the fire. We also use elements of Strauss by using binary opposites. Rich/ Poor, Happy / sad, funny/ serious, light/ dark.

Vladimir Propp

Story Arc

  • All of the five family members, start fighting (sister, twin brothers, baby, mum and dad.)
  • The children go to school, glad to be away from family, pretend they don't know each other at school. Due to different friendship groups.
  • Girl is a slut and the twins are bad asses!
  • Twins messing around, doing funny things and accidentally set fire to the school, due to their joint. don't care they find it funny.
  • Meanwhile the girl is in a cupboard with a guy and they smell smoke luckily they escape. and she goes mental at the twins.
  • Mum and baby, win a free holiday all inclusive for a week for all of family in Benidorm. Whilst the mum is working in the supper market. Later on that night tells family she has one a holiday
  • no one wants to go because they don't like each other, but then decide to go because flight leaves the next day and parents know rent is due and they do not have the money.
  • During the holiday the family get closer together, have a great time and become close. Comical things happen then.
  • When they get back they see that the land lord has put an evicted letter on the door. If they don't pay money by the end of the week they will be kicked out.
  • Family starts to argue again cause parents didn't tell them, then kids take jobs as well as parents to help pay.
  • on the last day when the money is due they still do not have enough. But mum buys a scratch card they win £1000000, and they pay of the rent.
End of story. 

Monday 16 January 2012

Institutions that might produce, distribute and exhibit my film

I looked at a variety of different films with my selected genre -comedy/drama and which institutions produced them. In my research I found that Universal Studios, Columbia, Don Simpson/Jerry BruckHeimer Films,Legendary pictures, Mtv films, Warner brothers, Dream worksand Paramount are all well know institutions that produce this type of genre.

Pearl and Dean Audience Research

I looked at the bar charts from Pearl and Dean who sell advertising in cinemas, and who have to know their audience. This shows me that people around the ages of 15-24 and 35+ mostly go to the cinema. I can also see that more higher class go to the cinema, most likley because they have more money to spend on in trips to cinemas, and that slightly more females go. I learn from this that if i was to show a film in the cinema, i would aim for higher class females ages 15-24 .

By looking at this bar chart, I can see that most families go to the cinemas at ages 7-14 and 35+. Again it is the higher class that go to cinemas more, and are more females.

I can use these ideas that i have learnt from Pearl and Dean for my own film, by making my film more interesting to higher class people around the age of 15-24.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

9 key screen shot of a film oppening

This is a key shot because it is the title of the film; its big, its bold and is exaggerated by being underlined and over lined.

A scene setter. Quite simply shows you exactly where you are and the plane above is low so you can make a connection to Miami airport. 

Shows what time of day it is with the sun in the back ground rising it is not completely clear from this shot but the light in each of the shots is different starting early in the morning wit the first shot and finishes in the dark of night.

This is a key shot because this building appears four times.

An overview of the peace full, calm city that is quite the opposite. 

The building in the middle of the shot is emphasised by light; all the other buildings around are dark but this one is light up and you can not just see the black out line.

Birds eye view of Miami pushing into the night; lots still going on in the city.

Here it is again the brightly lit building standing out from all the other buildings.

This last shot is a birds eye view looking down on a dark sinister. I think the reason this shot is so important is because of the cars; you can only see its head lights that look like eyes and a very faint outline of the rest of the car giving it a mysterious feeling.